Living in Germany: Life as a Student in Germany.

Living in Germany: Life as a Student in Germany.

Life in Germany
Life in Germany

So you have now decided to go to Germany and you want to know about life in Germany. First of all congratulations on the great decision. Germany is one of the best countries for higher studies and also it has a high quality of life. But what is life in Germany really like? Here we will go through a few characteristics of life in Germany, cost of living etc.

1. Weather in Germany

weather in Germany
weather in Germany

Weather in Germany is cold, really cold. Most of the time there is winters and also in summer you only have sun for few hours of the day. This is the main reason why some students after reaching Germany feel negative or low for some weeks. So be prepared for the weather.

2. Nature of People of Germany

German people are very conservative about rules and regulations. They are also very punctual about time and hate being late. The old people of Germany are not that friendly to strangers and also avoid speaking English. But the younger generation is more friendly and also speak English.

3. Food

Food in Germany
Food in Germany

Germans haven't gone beyond bread, cheese, sausages, and salads in their culinary ventures. For a vegetarian, it is really difficult. If you can cook for yourself, you can survive better. I will recommend you to learn cooking as it will help you not only in eating your own food but also will save you some money.

4. Language Barrier

Life will be very hard if you don't speak German. At least, basic German is needed even for going to a supermarket if you will live in a smaller city. For socializing with locals, a good grasp of German in a must. Many Germans can speak at least some English; but, good luck having them continue speaking in English esp. when you are grouping with a German majority.

5. No Domestic Help

There is no one there to help you, you will have to clean your house yourself. Also, unlike India there is very difficult to find maids, also if you find one it will be very costly and unaffordable for a student.

6. Termin or Meeting

In Germany, you will have to take an appointment for almost everything. If you want to visit any govt. office or any other office you will have to get an appointment.

7. Cost of Living

Cost of living totally depends upon your lifestyle. If I talk in general, general means a student who has a simple lifestyle and he cooks himself and doesn't go to clubs regularly. Then it will cost you around 650 euros per month.

8. Public Transport

Public Transport
Public Transport

There is an excellent public transport in Germany. There are Trams, Bullet Trains, Trains, Buses etc. Also when you pay your semester contribution you get a semester ticket. Using this you can travel in your city for free.
Also, all the nearby countries are connected to each other. When you get your visa, you do not only get the visa for Germany but you get a Schengen visa by which you can travel to these countries also by trains.

9.  Best Places in Germany to Live

  1. Munich
  2. Dusseldorf
  3. Frankfurt
  4. Berlin
  5. Hamburg
  6. Stuttgart
  7. Nuremberg

10. Cheapest cities in Germany

  1. Leipzig
  2. Bochum
  3. Kiel
  4. Siegen
  5. Jena
  6. Osnabruck
  7. Bremen

Last but not least you will never feel threatened here as the Police is very swift in taking action and is on the spot the next moment the crime has taken place. Same goes with ambulance service. The way people clear the way for the ambulance instead of a traffic jam (which is very rare)is really commendable. The bus drivers all wait for you to climb inside the bus/taxi and bus driver/train driver come out and help the disabled to climb inside. 

I hope I was able to provide you with some important information. If you have any doubts or suggestion then please comment down below.


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